NHP Fee Proposal Letter

You can use the following letter template to send to your local MP.

Find your MP here:


Insert Date

Insert name of M.P. and Address

Dear (insert name of MP)

I am writing to you (insert as one of your constituents) to express my concerns about Health Canadas proposed fees for natural health products (NHP) and the impact they will have on the ability of my Naturopathic Doctor (ND) to treat my health concerns safely and effectively.

As an informed patient I have chosen to be treated by a Naturopathic Doctor utilizing natural therapies and substances to ensure optimal health. I would like assurance that my choice to see a Naturopathic Doctor will not be negatively affected by the proposed cost recovery fees.

I have the following questions:

  1. Will the proposed fees prevent my ND from having access to all the products he/she needs to treat all my health concerns?

  2. Will the proposed fees result in fewer natural health products being available in the Canadian marketplace?

  3. Will the proposed fees result in higher prices for the products my ND recommends as part of my treatment?

I support the need for regulation that ensures that the products recommended by my ND are safe and effective, but I do not support legislation or regulation that treats natural health products in the same manner as pharmaceutical drugs or medical devices. Now would be an excellent time for the government to reconsider its proposal in light of the concerns it is generating for patients of NDs like myself.

I appreciate your attention to this important matter and would welcome the opportunity to speak to you about my concerns. I can be contacted at (insert phone number and/or email address).



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